Adding Volunteers or Accreditations
As the membership system on becomes central to our volunteering within Scouts, it’s really important that we maximise the administrative tools available to us.

How do I add a New Volunteer to the Membership System?
Start by signing in to
On your welcome page:
1. Click ‘My membership’.
On the left-hand side menu (if you’re using a phone, click the menu button on the top right):
2. Click ‘Teams’.
3. Click ‘My units’.
On the ‘My units’ page:
4. Click ‘Select’ under ‘Actions’.
5. Click ‘Add member’ from the dropdown menu.
On the ‘Add member’ page:
6. Type the member’s ‘First name’, ‘Surname’, ‘Date of birth’, ‘Postcode’ and Email’ into the boxes.
If the member was part of Scouts in the past and you know their membership number, switch the toggle button ‘Scouts member’ to ‘Yes’, and type their membership number into the box.
7. Click ‘Search’.
If there aren’t matches, or if the options don’t match the member:
8. Click ‘Add new member’.
9. Type ‘Country of residence’ into the box.
If the country of residence isn’t the UK, select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to confirm if the member was a resident in the UK at any time since their 10th birthday.
10. Tick the acknowledgement box.
11. Click ‘Add member and assign role’.
On the ‘Assign new role’ page:
12. Type the ‘County’, ‘District’, ‘Group’ and ‘Section’ into the boxes.
13. Select a ‘Team’ and ‘Role’ from the dropdown menus.
14. Type a ‘Start date’ into the box.
If you’re adding a member who’s under 18 the start date should be before their 18th birthday to allow you to request their disclosure.
15. Click ‘Assign role’.
If there’s a match for your search that corresponds with the member:
8. Select the member from the list.
9. Click ‘Assign role’.
On the ‘Assign new role’ page:
10. Type the ‘County’, ‘District’, ‘Group’ and ‘Section’ into the boxes.
11. Select a ‘Team’ and ‘Role’ from the dropdown menus.
12. Type a ‘Start date’ into the box.
13. Click ‘Assign role’.
How do I Change Someone’s role on the Membership System?
Start by signing in to
On your welcome page:
1. Click ‘My membership’.
On the top right (if you’re using a phone, click the menu button on the top right):
2. Click ‘Search member’.
On the ‘Member search’ page:
3. Type the member’s name into the search box.
You can also search a member by their membership number, unit, email, team, role and accreditation. You’ll need to select the ‘Filter by’ option from the dropdown menu.
4. Click ‘Search’.
5. Click ‘Select’, under ‘Actions’.
6. Click ‘Assign role’ from the dropdown menu.
On the ‘Assign new role’ page:
7. Type the ‘County’, ‘District’, ‘Group’ and ‘Section’ into the boxes.
8. Select a ‘Team’ and ‘Role’ from the dropdown menus.
9. Type a ‘Start date’ into the box.
10. Click ‘Assign role’.
What are Accreditations?
Accreditations are a way of sharing tasks and responsibilities, where a volunteer needs to be given certain permissions to take these on.
We want to make it easier for people to give their valuable time in a way that really works for them. To make this happen, everyone in Scouts is part of a team. It’s up to volunteers in each team to agree who does which tasks, based on their skills, interests and availability. Sometimes a volunteer needs permission to do a specific task. This is where accreditations come in.
How do I add an Accreditation?
Start by signing in to
On your welcome page:
1. Click ‘My membership’.
On the left-hand side menu (if you’re using a phone, click the menu button on the top right):
2. Click ‘Teams’.
3. Click ‘My team(s)’.
On the ‘My Teams’ page:
4. Click a team name.
On the team page, under ‘Active members’:
5. Click ‘Select’ and then click ‘Assign accreditation’ from the dropdown list.
On the ‘New accreditation’ page:
7. Type the missing information into the boxes.
8. Select ‘Accreditation’ from the dropdown menu.
9. Select ‘Team’ from the dropdown menu.
10. Tick the box to confirm the prerequisites for this accreditation have been met and the member is aware that this accreditation is being added to their role.
11. Click ‘Assign accreditation’.
Contact us
If you would like more information or support around the using the membership system for administrative purposes, please contact our team at NI:
- Scott Robinson, NI Transformation Lead –